Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Evaluations

<><> <><> <><> <><> <><>
Roles of women and menPoets and writersRulers and governmentMusic and danceInventions and industry
Anderson, Randall J7070707070
Balcome, Angela M7575757575
Baudhuin, Morgan T6060606060
Braun, Nicholas A10090909090
Clark-Hedlof, Brett N50500 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)
Conant, Joshua S0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)
Cox, Timothy J8080808080
Dehn, Matthew G70706010050
Drays, Laura L100100100100100
Gillespie, Brooke C100100100100100
Goyette, Thomas E100100100100100
Gu, Zhen6070707070
Gysberg, Kevin M700 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)100100
Harp, Lacey N1007070100100
Hua, YunFei8080807090
Klasons, Jekabs K0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)100
Kreuger, Kristin N10010090100100
Leavitt, Danika E100100100100100
Monson, Thomas J70900 (NO POST)10070
Niehoff, Robert J7070707070
Niyomchat, Pattarapong100100100100100
Oberle, Robert A100100100100100
Riebe, Monica A0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)
Scherer, Miranda D7070708070
Schurr, Jennifer R1000 (NO POST) 0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)
Shaw, Douglas E0 (NO POST)60707070
Strong, Sarah J0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)0 (NO POST)
Vang, Starsha N7070701000 (NO POST)
Vroman, Amber L1000 (NO POST)100100100
Zhang, Hui7575757575

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Music and Dance of the 18th century


Randy's blog: click here
Danika's blog: click here
Jennifer's blog: click here
Matt's blog: click here
Tom M's blog: click here
Jake's blog: click here
Brooke's blog: click here


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

19th Century German Government

The German refers to Germany during the "Second Reich" period from the unification of Germany and proclamation of Wilhelm I as German Emperor.  Germany was under this control from January 18th, 1871 to 1918, when it became a federal republic after defeat in World War I and when the Emperor Wilhelm II left the throne.
The German Empire consisted of 27 constituent territories (most of them ruled by royal families). While the Kingdom of Prussia contained most of the population and most of the territory of the Reich; the Prussian leadership was replaced by German leaders and Prussia itself played a lesser role. Prussia's "political and cultural influence had diminished considerably" by the 1890s in Germany. Its three largest neighbors were rivals Imperial Russia to the east and France to the west and ally Austria-Hungary to the south.
After 1850 Germany industrialized rapidly, with a foundation in coal, iron (and later steel), chemicals and railways. From a population of 41 million people in 1871 it grew to 68 million in 1913. From a heavily rural nation in 1815, it was now predominantly urban. During its 47 years of existence, the German Empire operated as an industrial, technological and scientific giant.
Germany was a great power, with the most powerful army in the world, and its navy.  After the removal of the powerful Chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1890 following the death of Emperor Wilhelm I, the young Emperor Wilhelm II engaged in increasingly reckless foreign policies that left the Empire isolated. Its network of small colonies in Africa and the Pacific paled in comparison to the British and French empires.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Empire. November 16, 2011.

Danika's blog: click here
Brooke's blog: click here
Amber's blog: click here
Pattarapong's blog (contributed slides to Danika's blog ppt): click here
Tom G's blog: click here
Jake's blog: click here
Nick's blog: click here

Monday, October 24, 2011

Berlin Calling

1.  Ickarus takes drugs because it is something that is relaxing to him.
2.  Why:  His friends take drugs to relax and have a good time.  It enhances their experience of partying. 
What:  Ickarus and his friends are taking cocaine, ecstasy, kematine, LSD, and PMA.
3.  They focus on drugs because they feel like this is the only way to get a better experience while partying.  Once they experience these drugs, it’s extremely hard to stop using them. 
4.  Similar:  There is partying currently in our society.  While partying there is also drug use going on.  Sometimes in our society, people who intended to use drugs recreationally, become addicted and form a problem.
Different:  The drug seen in clubs is a little more open in Europe then America.  The act of sex is also more open in Europe.  In America, it is a little more private.
5.  I think the youth in this movie could change the culture of society for the worse if they never grew out of the drug and partying stage.  If they were continuously irresponsible, nothing would get accomplished when it was time for their generation to run the economy.  Alice and Ickarus are two very driven people.  They worked extremely hard to get Ickarus’s album finished.  The label director is also a hard worker.  Even though she fires Ickarus, she was just looking out for what’s best for the record label.  She is a very serious business woman. 
6.  I have currently not seen any American “cult” movies. 
          This movie is a little different from what I’m used to seeing in American movies.  It took me by surprise sometimes and other times I was caught off guard by what was on the screen.  I felt it was a little slow and repetitive at parts and a little uncomfortable at others.  Although it was not my favorite movie that I’ve seen, it showed the reality of the club and drug scene in Europe.  I did appreciate how the producers definitely didn’t hold anything back when they filmed this movie.  That is one thing that American movies don’t really do a good job of because a movie like this would cause uproar in American society.  Usually in American rated R movies, there is a lot of swearing and some nudity.  In this movie there was way more than the average American movie.  One of the huge differences I noticed was that there was a large amount of sexuality shown throughout the movie.  There was a range of intercourse between homosexuals, heterosexuals, and both together.  This was one aspect of the movie that was very noticeable.  It is just something that we are not openly exposed to in America.  I believe this movie portrayed that Europe is a very open country about certain interests.  America likes to keep things private and I noticed this to be a big difference in the countries.  Another difference that I noticed was the open drug use.  In America there is obviously drug use, but I feel like it is mostly done behind closed doors.  Even though it is not very common in American movies to show a ton of drug use, I’m glad this movie did.  I think if people were exposed to the harsh reality of what drug abuse can lead to, people would think twice before using.  Although the movie made me uncomfortable at points, I was glad I had the opportunity to view this and be exposed to some of the European culture.